

Life Is Not A Race

Life Is Not A Race

There will always be someone who makes more money than you do. There will always be someone who has more…

Happy Moments And Firsts

Happy Moments And Firsts

I like to think about life in terms of happy moments and firsts. I don’t like to think about life…

The Secret Of Life

The Secret Of Life

There is magic everywhere, but you have to believe it to see it. We see in the world what we…

Words From My Father

Words From My Father

He told me that I would never amount to anything in life. My father was a man of few words….

An Inspiring Warrior

An Inspiring Warrior

I am thrilled to announce Danielle Reyes Lim as the recipient of the 2020 EVOLVE Warrior Scholarship Award. Danielle will…

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

I do not actively follow politics, and I do not consider myself a political person. However, I believe strongly that…

The Best Of Humanity

The Best Of Humanity

There is no doubt that we are living in extraordinary times with this “once-in-a-hundred-years” global pandemic. In many countries, it…

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